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Dr. Robyn Simcock

Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research NZ


Robyn is a ecologist and soil scientist at the crown institute Manaaki-Whenua Landcare research based in Tamaki with over a million pinned invertebrates (NZ Arthropod collection) and NZ Fungarium alongside their curators. Training at Massey University in horticultural science and soil science was followed by a short spell in Northland assessing the effects of dairy-shed effluent (and establishing 30 ha of radiata, eucalyptus and lusitanica plantations at Ruakaka) before returning to research and consultancy, specialising in restoration ecology. In 2008 she joined research group developing Water Sensitive Design (now Nature based Solutions) with native plants and local soils and aggregates. That included assessing effects of urbanisation on soils, and developing raingarden, swale and greenroof guidance. Following Gabrielle, government regained interest in the role of NBS to mitigate floods, and supporting research on impacts of modern subdivision on water retention and ability to grow trees.


How to help urban trees help us reduce pressures of climate change


This presentation identifies the pressures climate change imposes on trees – the indicators to check above ground, on the ground, and underground to assess tree vulnerability. Most of the presentation explores what we can do to reduce these pressures, and lower tree stress. The widest range of options are available before we plant a tree – and these may be also most cost-effective. However, we can also reduce stresses faced by an existing tree or group of trees. Many solutions are at ground-level among protective surface, plants, mulch and leaf litter, and in the soil and underground infrastructure.  Embedding trees within green infrastructure should be a win-win that reduces tree stress and greatly boosts stormwater mitigation, temperature moderation, UV exposure and contributions to wellbeing. The presentation concludes with tips, tricks and myth-busting to help successfully integrate trees into Green Infrastructure, and deliver towns and cities with the healthy, resilient tree cover essential under climate change.

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